Saturday, February 8, 2014

Status Update: Why and How I Quit Facebook

If you know me then you know how much I love social media. I have loved it ever since that first day my mom connected to dial up internet and fired up our Juno email account. Oh the sound of dial up internet still rings in my ears! Then I discovered the joys of AOL Instant Messaging! Truth be told, that's really how my sister and I learned how to type so fast...sorry Mavis Beacon. 
Earlier this week Facebook had its 10 year anniversary and as a complimentary gift to its users it created a small video of the users most important posts on their wall and status updates. When I first heard about Facebook my sister had just started college and I watched as she joined the now global phenomenon social network. I was jealous. I could not wait until I could go to college and join Facebook. Luckily for me I didn't have to wait until my college years to join the network and I started using Facebook late 2005. It's shocking to realize that I was a part of the Facebook world for about 8 years!  

Since I haven't had a Facebook account for almost 5 months now, I wonder what my video would have looked like and if it would have really reflected who I've become since I joined (and left) Facebook. When I left Facebook last October I was at a turning point in my life and I decided that if I was going to get serious about certain things in my life that I had to be willing to part with some things. When used wisely, Facebook is a great tool to feel and be connected with loved ones. Since I'm a highly relational person I needed to make sure the social media tools in my life were enriching my relationships and if they weren't, I needed to let them go. Facebook just happened to be one of the tools that I felt that I wasn't using wisely and I quit cold turkey. This decision came for me when I realized that I was spending more time updating my status rather than communicating individually and intimately with my family and friends.

At first when I quit I really didn't feel anything and didn't think nothing of it. Yes, I loved Facebook...but there was this side of me that I wasn't positively portraying through that social media outlet and I wanted to focus more on that. As I mentioned about how I want to build strong relationships, I also want to portray who I am in a different light and I don't think Facebook was allowing that. That's mainly why I created this blog. I've loved blogging these past 5 months and I feel not only am I allowing people to view and read about my life at a deeper level but I feel as if it's enriching my personal life. For example, I've had more people reach out to me in different and sometimes creative ways because they legitimately want to be included in my life. I've loved that! It's much more fun to get together with my sister and look at her pictures of her recent vacation and tell her that I like each one in person rather than clicking a "like" button. However, I do realize that being that I live out of state and away from some of my best friends, I want to include a general update in this post and let you know how my life is going.

Since creating this blog I have been encouraged by some of my readers to submit my writings to real publications and quite frankly, I haven't gotten the courage to do so yet. But I do plan on doing that in the next month or two. It makes me nervous and excited to think of someone critiquing my writings. One of the publications I want to submit to also has a weekend filled with seminars that I'm hoping to attend in August.

Next month my awesome cat turns 3 years old! He's just as feisty as the day I brought him home but my life would be boring without him. My best friend Emily, who is halfway through her pregnancy, will be coming home for her baby shower and and I am SO excited to see her baby bump and to celebrate this exciting new time in her life.

In April I plan on making the trip to visit one of my friends, Angie, and her family and spend a few days with them for my birthday and to see their new house and life since they've left their home state. I can't wait!  My sister and her husband also plan on coming home for Easter so I'm really looking forward to that. As far as the summer goes I have no solid plans as of yet. I'm just looking forward to continue to write in my blog and form deeper relationships. 
So no, I currently don't have a Facebook account and I'm okay with that. Maybe some day I'll create a new one...but for now I'm okay with my status update being: deactivated. 



  1. Awesome blog Alex, the ending is awesome. lol. Yeah Facebook can be addictive sometimes, I'm unfortunately on it every day. Now I understand why you don't have it anymore, you should definitely send your stories to a publishing company! I always wanted to do that, but we couldn't find one and mine weren't long or good enough. Sounds like you have a lot going on, good for you. Its good to be busy

    1. Thanks for the encouraging words, Danae! Glad you liked the post. It is good to be busy :o) You should try to send some of your writings to a publication too - at least worth the shot!
