Monday, March 10, 2014

#SpringCleaning My Life

It hit a whopping 45 degrees here today! I'm officially calling it "spring" and have made my blog look "spring-like," too! Ah, there's a light at the end of the tunnel! 
When spring like weather starts coming my way this time of year, I have a tendency to want to clean out my closets and get rid of items that I've been holding onto for far too long. It is so refreshing when cleaning projects like that are finished and I can start anew and live a more simplified life.  

Much like when I clean out my closet in the spring, Jesus does that when He forgives us of our sins. There are areas in my life where I haven't allowed myself to believe that when Jesus takes a broom to spring clean my sins away, that I am truly free. Lately I have been able to latch onto this and it has allowed so much happiness and sunshine to enter my heart. I feel much like the guy in this video below: 

I just love that video and if you weren't able to view it on your tablet, click here!

I can relate to the main character in this video when I stop clinging to past sins and let Jesus take over. But when we do fall into this habit we become really stressed this causes our souls to become "winter-like" when God doesn't want this for his children! He wants us to let go!

Last night my mom and Grandma and I went to watch the most beautiful dance recital put on by Girls of Grace. They performed a skit where a woman was bogged down by her sin and just couldn't seem to surrender her life and sins to Jesus. All the while Jesus stood there waiting and fighting for her to break free of her sins. Once and for all she cried out to Jesus and He immediately rescued her and her life was a dramatic transformation and she was filled with so much joy...

I will never claim to live a perfect spic and span clean life. I can't do that - but through Jesus I can let go of the past sins that I have committed against Him and live a refreshingly free life through Him. And be HAPPY!



  1. I think I've seen that dance before!!! It's so good!!! You have a great outlook on life! :)

    And you're always free to come clean my closets. :)

    1. I would love to organize your closets! Let's have a pantry party! Thanks for always leaving me comments! Love you!
