Sunday, July 27, 2014


As promised, here is goal no. 2 on my "bucket list" - I'm taking my first ever solo vacation!

This is probably going to be the biggest goal to accomplish on my list since I'm really going out of my comfort zone. I'm a planner and I love structured itineraries of what I'm going to be doing on a vacation. With this trip I'll have three solid days where I really don't know what to expect. So, you'd like to know where I'm going?!?

On August 6th I will be flying out to Colorado Spring, CO on my own to attend: Pursuit!!! is a Christian blog/webzine for young adults that focus on topics from how to save for your first home to how to date well in the culture we live in. I have been reading their blog posts since I was in high school and they have acted as mentors through many phases of my life. As I mentioned above, this is a huge step out of my comfort zone and I don't know what to expect - but I will tell you this: I am SO excited!

One of the things I'm most excited about is meeting the authors of the articles I've been reading all these years! I'm probably going to have a few "fan-girl" moments for sure (Candice Watters, prepare yourself)! I will be posting photos during the conference on my Twitter account, @PumaAlie10 and I will update my blog from time to time. I will also make time to do touristy stuff such as the Garden of the Gods, Pike's Peak and the Air Force Base.

Another personal goal of mine is to accomplish the 5k that the conference is having while I'm there! I haven't been able to run since I hurt my foot in March (I ran too fast in a 4 mile race) and that's been hard on me. I plan on walking this 5k and it will be a great thrill for me to cross that finish line!!
I also have this strong desire to eat at the local Chick-fil-A! Oh, I can taste their yummy waffle fries and specialty sauce now...and the peppermint shakes...oh my!
Every morning I plan on waking up and running to my window to pull back the curtains and see a mountain! If I can't see one out of my window, the next best thing would be to run outside and start singing, "The Hills are Alive with the Sound of Music." Yeah, I'm pretty sure these goals will be accomplished! 

I started thinking about doing a vacation like this last year when a fellow blogger and co-worker, Laura, encouraged me to do it. She told me that one of the best things she did while she was single was take a solo vacation and I was instantly inspired. So on the "goal" list it went! Thanks for the idea, Laura (check out her blog here)! 

It feels like ages ago that I signed up for the conference and now I'm only 8 short days away from being in Colorado! It finally sank in last week as I was doing laundry that I am going! I am going to COLORADO! Yes, I have the goals that I listed above, but my number 1 goal for this trip is to learn how to trust. Trust that God is leading me to Colorado and that I have faith that He wouldn't allow me to go on this trip if He didn't want me to. I have a feeling that this will be a trip that I will cherish forever and the amount of support I have gotten when I tell people what I am doing has been so uplifting. There have been times where I've questioned whether I should do this or not, but I have this peace that now is the time for me to go. 

Let the countdown commence! 


PS: I would love any sight-seeing tips in my comment section below!


  1. I've taken solo vacations, and I think it's so great that you're pursuing this goal! Here's some thoughts for your trip:

    "A good traveler has no fixed plans, and is not intent on arriving." - Lao Tzu

    "Travel only with thy equals or thy betters; if there are none, travel alone.” – The Dhammapada

    "The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps." - Proverbs 16:9

    "Paris is always a good idea." - Audrey Hepburn

    Love you! Have a great trip!!

    1. Thank you, Am!! I love all of those quotes, especially the one from Audrey. Can we go to Paris for our next sister trip?? Love you!

  2. Hello, fellow Pursuit attendee. I've been in training for the 5K for a few weeks now, and also plan to walk it. As well as setting aside some time to make new friends and grow in my relationship with God, I'm really looking forward to tasting Chick-Fil-A. I'm proud to support this pro-family company.

    1. Hi Ross! Thanks for the comment. Yes, I recognize you from the Facebook page and you're bringing me the Australian Dark Chocolate! Super excited for that. Will this be your first 5k? I'm glad to know that you're planning to walk it. You will love Chick-Fil-A. I don't have one on this side of the country so I'll be right along with you in the line. Looking forward to meeting you!

  3. Hi Alexandra, it was great to meet you and everyone else. I hope you enjoyed the chocolate. This was my first competitive 5K, but I regularly walk that distance most days of the week before work. Chick-Fil-A exceeded my expectations. I hope they'll open in Australia one day.

    1. Hi Ross, it was great meeting you and Scott, too! I really enjoyed the chocolate - it's almost gone! I'm really bummed that I didn't get a chance to give you the candy I brought for you. Sorry! I'm glad you and I both completed the 5k! I hope they'll open a Chick-Fil-A where I live, too!
