Tuesday, September 9, 2014

#MackinacIsland in Pictures

My parents and I stayed on Mackinac Island for a night and we had such a blast! I think my favorite thing was seeing the little island bats sleeping in shop doorways and riding our bikes to Arch Rock!

Where did you vacation this summer?

My bike!
Getting closer!!

View from the water taxi

St. Anne's Church 
We didn't stay here, but it was very pretty

Missionary Bark Chapel

Harbour View Inn - where we stayed!

Isn't it Grand?

I love my Daddie!

Little Stone Church

Arch Rock


Thursday, September 4, 2014

When Stars Fall

You don't get the job... A loved one dies far before their time... You feel lost and alone... You get your heartbroken... Your best friend moves away...
These disappointments and harsh reality checks happen to you and to me.

"Do Not Tremble or be Dismayed. For the Lord Your God
is With You Wherever You Go." - Joshua 1:9

Chills. He, the God of the universe...the creator of the stars, is with me...with you. It's overwhelming to think about, especially after I spent last Sunday at the beach watching the sunset with my family. It was a glorious sunset, but the real show was when the stars came out. We all just laid there as my sister pointed out different constellations. I like to think that God put those stars there in the heavens to remind us of His presence to comfort us when we go through hard times.

Recently I received some news that left me feeling discouraged. A day after I received the news, I got a very encouraging and loving email from a dear friend of mine. There was also the time when I got lost while vacationing in Colorado. I didn't know where or how to get where I needed to go and I was scared. But just like Joshua 1:9 says, He would be with me "wherever I go" and just like that, He provided a really nice lady to take me where I needed to go.

I don't know what you're going through in your life in this moment. But know this: Jesus is with you. After all Jesus warned us that we would have trouble on the earth, but to not lose heart because He has overcome earthly troubles, even though we still feel the pain (John 16:33). I encourage you to cling to that hope. Don't give up.
